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3 minutes

Border Property: The Web’s Stylish Perimeter

Ahoy, web designers and CSS enthusiasts! Today, we’re diving into the fantastic world of the border property. Think of it as the stylish perimeter of your web elements, the fence that separates content and adds flair to your web pages. In this adventure, we’ll uncover the secrets of the border property and learn how to wield it like a pro.

Meet the Border Property

The border property is like a chameleon – it can take on various forms. It surrounds HTML elements with lines or shapes to give them structure and appeal. You can use it to create crisp dividers, decorative frames, or even spaceship control panels. The border is your canvas, and CSS is your artistic tool.

Let’s kick things off with the basics. The border property has three main components:

  • Width: This sets the thickness of your border. You can use units like pixels (px), ems (em), or percentages (%) to define it.
  • Style: The border-style property determines the type of border you want. You can choose from solid, dashed, dotted, double, and more. Again, the MDN is your friend if you are curious about other units.
  • Color: Pick your favorite color to paint the border. You can use color names, hexadecimal values, RGB, etc. values to make your selection.

Here’s a simple CSS rule using the border property:

div {
  border: 2px solid red;

This code gives all div elements a 2-pixel wide, solid red border. It’s like putting a red ribbon around a gift! The only component that is required is the type of border (ex: border: solid). By default if no width is defined, it will be 3px. As for the color it will be the same as the defined text color for the element to which the border is applied.

Side border

Sometimes you’ll want to apply a border only to one side of your element, and there is a rule for that of course. You just have to use border suffixed with the side for which you want to set a border, for example:

div {
  border-left: 1px dashed pink;

As you can guess, only le left side of the division will have a border. You can use border-top, border-right and border-bottom as well.

Go Forth and Borderify

With the border property, you have the power to enhance and define the edges of your web elements in style. Whether you’re crafting a subtle distinction or making a bold statement, CSS is your trusty paintbrush. So, go forth, web designer, and borderify your web pages! Your creative borders will make the web a more beautiful and stylish place.

Photo of Rolands Zilvinskis on Unsplash